
ThermaRest Women's NeoAir® XLite™ Sleeping Pad Lemon Curry WR - 5.4 R-Value 睡墊 <荃灣店>



原價: $1,780.00

特價: $1,424.00


For a warmer pad in a shorter length, the Women’s NeoAir XLite sleeping pad. The unrivaled Triangular Core Matrix offers the best warmth-to-weight ratio of any air sleeping pad construction.
The construction gives the 2.5 inch (6.4 cm) thick pad superior stability, boasting the most inches of weld for maximum camp comfort.
The compact pad boasts a 5.4 R-value, allowing users to camp in all but the most extreme conditions.
The Women’s XLite features the high-performance WingLock valve, allowing the pad to inflate three times faster thanks to a larger opening and one-way inflation.
Like all Therm-a-Rest pads, the Women’s NeoAir XLite is made in market to ensure quality and minimize environmental impact. The pad includes a breath-saving pump sack, compact stuff sack and field repair kit.

SKU: 13212
Size: Regular
Color: Lemon Curry
R-Value: 5.4
Weight (Metric): 0.36 kg
Width (Metric): 51 cm
Length (Metric): 168 cm
Height (Metric): 6.4 cm
Thickness (Metric): 6.4 cm
Packed dimension (Metric): 23 cm x 10 cm
Top fabric type: 30D rip HT Nylon
Bottom fabric type: 30D rip HT Nylon
What's Included: Pump sack, stuff sack and repair kit
Material(s): Nylon, Polyurethane
Country of Origin: USA*Built of the Finest U.S. and Global Materials

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不滿$500港元,需支付30元作為運費。 寄送到台灣,需支付港幣$30作為運費。

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營業時間 : 星期一至六 1:00-7:30pm;

星期日及公眾假期: 休息

查詢電話 : 9346 5333


荃灣 沙咀道368號 Tetra 形方20樓02室 (悅來酒店附近)

營業時間 : 12:30 - 7:30pm

逢星期三 & 四休息

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Life Sports 旺角店: 旺角威達商業大廈12樓08-09室 星期日及公眾假期休息 1:00-7:30pm

荃灣 Showroom: 沙咀道368號,Tetra 形方20樓02室 星期三&四休息 12:30-7:30pm

Life Sports 旺角威達商業大廈12樓08-09室