
MSR Alpine Deluxe Kitchen Set 豪華廚具套裝 <荃灣店>



原價: $580.00

特價: $480.00


The Alpine Deluxe Kitchen Set is our most comprehensive set of tools for outdoor cooking.
A releasable webbing handle makes the protective zippered case easy to hang anywhere and inside, two generous mesh pockets replace old-school elastic loops that tend to limit versatility, stretch-out and lose their grip over time.
You’ll find innovations such as our combination pot strainer/cheese grater, moisture-resistant salt and pepper shaker, folding cutting board, stainless steel Utility Knife and more.

-100% BPA-Free Materials
-Folding Spoon, Spatula and Strainer/Grater: Spoon is calibrated for common measurements, Strainer doubles and cheese grater and Spatula has serrated edge.
-Alpine Salt & Pepper Shaker: Design is moisture resistant and holds plenty.
-Alpine Dish Brush /Scraper: Nonstick friendly pot cleaner with edge radius to match cookware.
-Alpine Kitchen Knife: 4.5" Santoku-styled knife in a ventilated, plastic sheath is made from 440-series high-carbon stainless steel.
-PackTowl® Dish Towel: The original travel towel absorbs four times its weight in water–over and over–dries fast and is built to survive years of abuse.
-Deluxe case: Zippered, semi-rigid case with two large zippered mesh pockets for maximum versatility.
-Alpine Deluxe Cutting Board: Strong, hinged design for durability and portability.
-Plus: (2) squeeze bottles, Bottle opener/corkscrew.

SKU: 05337
Weight (Standard): 1 lbs 7 oz
Weight (Metric): 0.64 kg
Height (Standard): 9.5 in
Country of Origin: Made in Taiwan
Packed Size (Metric): 17.8 x 7.6 x 24.1 cm
Packed Size (Standard): 7 x 3 x 9.5 in
Total weight (metric): 0.64 kg
Total weight (standard): 1 lbs 7 oz
Width (Standard): 3 in

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不滿$500港元,需支付30元作為運費。 寄送到台灣,需支付港幣$30作為運費。

亦可到旺角/荃灣門市直接購買,可先whatsapp/singal 我們查詢庫存。Tel: 93465333

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營業時間 : 星期一至六 1:00-7:30pm;

星期日及公眾假期: 休息

查詢電話 : 9346 5333


荃灣 沙咀道368號 Tetra 形方20樓02室 (悅來酒店附近)

營業時間 : 12:30 - 7:30pm

逢星期三 & 四休息

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Life Sports 旺角店: 旺角威達商業大廈12樓08-09室 星期日及公眾假期休息 1:00-7:30pm

荃灣 Showroom: 沙咀道368號,Tetra 形方20樓02室 星期三&四休息 12:30-7:30pm

Life Sports 旺角威達商業大廈12樓08-09室